Sales/Marketing/Technology(Hong Kong)

We believe that work should be a place for exploration, creativity, innovation, and professional growth. It's all about getting inspired and motivated to achieve extraordinary things that will leave a lasting impact. And as a full-time university hire with Microsoft, you will be learning from the finest in the business and experience an inspiring world-class program.

The Microsoft Academy for College Hires (MACH) program is a customized learning experience designed for our newest university hires in various job disciplines including Marketing, Sales, and Consumer Facing Technology. This two-year program offers continuous professional development specific to your job function and professional goals, which will enable you to start strong, and develop a long-term career at Microsoft. We do this by offering you world-class training from some of the brightest minds in the industry and access to the global community of MACHs from more than 60 countries.

MACH Experience
MACH is an experience that will accelerate your growth and build a lasting impact on your professional career in the years to come. The two-year program is designed to provide you core developmental opportunities in your business function, as well as customized trainings to meet your personal goals. These trainings will be tailored specifically to your needs so that you could grow as a professional and contribute to the Microsoft community.

Come as you are. Do what you love.
The diversity in our people bring great value to our business. We embrace and celebrate our differences because we see them for what they are: powerful drivers of innovation. Apply to be a part of our community, with talents who are joined by passion for technology, dedication to our customers and a shared set of core values. We work hard to make Microsoft a home for everyone – a place of acceptance, where differences are encouraged and respected. Please join us in our campus recruitment talks as we are looking for talented and passionate graduates across for our Marketing, Sales and Consumer Facing Technology departments.
Working Location: Hong Kong

Recruitment Talks for 2018 intakes
HKUST: 9/9
PolyU: 15/9
HKU: 19/9
City U: 11/10
CUHK: 12/10

Application Requirements:
Hold a recognized university degree in any subject
Possess an excellent command of written and spoken English
Undergraduates and postgraduates in 2017
Passionate in Technology
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自1992年在北京设立代表处至今,微软已深植中国二十余年。今天,微软已经成为在华最大的外国投资企业之一。这得益于微软不断倾听并适应中国市场的本土化需求,并深度参与到中国信息化发展中。通过与中国产业合作伙伴携手创新,微软让越来越多的技术、产品和服务得以在中国落地生根。目前,微软在中国已经拥有超过17,000家合作伙伴,微软每收入1元钱,合作伙伴的收入超过16元。2015年初,微软以“接地气的本土化产品策略,予力中国合作伙伴的负责态度”荣膺《Fast Company》杂志评选的“2015中国十大最具创新力的公司”,与阿里巴巴、腾讯、百度等企业并称为“重塑中国经济的企业”。

今天,微软已为中国提供了一个完整、庞大的生态系统:从开发者、合作伙伴、企业客户到普通消费者;从Windows、Office、SQL Server、云平台系统到Windows Phone、Surface和Xbox。面对移动为先,云为先的新世界,微软以安全、可靠的云计算服务为基础,基于微软大数据、移动解决方案的平台以及丰富的终端产品,切实助力中国用户、企业及政府机构,提高生产力,以创新技术推动经济发展。